Introducing... Ellie!
Hi, I'm Ellie! I'm a Guide Leader on the Isle of Man, and the First Aider for our trip.
I am 24 and I grew up in Leicester, England, where I first became a Rainbow - and haven't left Guiding since! I became a leader at 18 and moved to Ormskirk, Lancashire for university. I absolutely loved it and soon volunteered with a Guide unit there.
Whilst living in Ormskirk, I was selected to be a leader on ICE (International Community Experience) 2017 which led me to a week-long trip to Finland. Since then, I have also been a volunteer for Adventures in Prague and have started my Queen's Guide Award.
In September 2017, I moved to the Isle of Man to start my first job as an English teacher. When I'm not working or Guiding, I likes to dance and do lots of outdoor activities, mostly walking. I can't wait for our adventure to the Balkans, but I'm particularly looking forward to the fun and the jokes we are going to have - laughing a lot makes it easier to remember great experiences!
I am 24 and I grew up in Leicester, England, where I first became a Rainbow - and haven't left Guiding since! I became a leader at 18 and moved to Ormskirk, Lancashire for university. I absolutely loved it and soon volunteered with a Guide unit there.
Whilst living in Ormskirk, I was selected to be a leader on ICE (International Community Experience) 2017 which led me to a week-long trip to Finland. Since then, I have also been a volunteer for Adventures in Prague and have started my Queen's Guide Award.
In September 2017, I moved to the Isle of Man to start my first job as an English teacher. When I'm not working or Guiding, I likes to dance and do lots of outdoor activities, mostly walking. I can't wait for our adventure to the Balkans, but I'm particularly looking forward to the fun and the jokes we are going to have - laughing a lot makes it easier to remember great experiences!
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