Chavdar, huge hills and an evening in Sofia


Hi it’s Emma G here! In the morning, we woke up boiling hot, and a bit startled to be 5 feet off the ground in our beds. After having some cereal bars and fruit for breakfast, we trekked down the hill to the museum. The museum was about the history of the neolithic village and the people who lived in them before them.

While everyone was looking around the museum, Gaby, Eleanor and I sat down (finally) around a table and made some pretty patterns out of some tiles. However, after Eleanor and I had finished our pattern that we had put our heart and soul into, Gaby insisted on taking some of our tiles so she could use them for her own ‘masterpiece’. When she finished her box of tiles masterpiece, she posed quite proudly for a photo while Eleanor and I laughed at it.

When we had finished in the museum, we had to conquer the dreaded hill climb. To cope through the heat and the never ending walking, we sang Disney songs, well attempted to anyway. Also, we made some animal friends on the way. Eleanor and I posed for a picture with a chicken and we saw a dog that jumped so high that it seemed that he was bouncing on a trampoline!

After our hike up the hill, we climbed into the mini bus and made our way back to our hostel in Sofia. Back at the hostel, we had a very short and much-needed rest before we went on a free walking tour of Sofia’s landmarks. However, none of us were very happy when it started to absolutely lash it down outside and to top it off, there was thunder and lightening too. As we braved the storm, we prayed that it would soon stop as walking in it for 2 hours was not on our list of what we wanted to do on this trip. To our delight, the storm stopped 10 minutes into our tour! We set off through Sofia accompanied by a really funny tour guide - we love you Stanislav!

After the tour, we thought we’d go out for a casual meal in a restaurant. To our dismay, it turns out the restaurant we picked was extremely fancy, although the prices were still cheap by our standards! Gaby felt very out of place with her flip flops and constantly corrected our manners according to her elocution lessons. After our very fancy (and tasty) meal, we walked back to our hostel and settled down for the night, ready for our last full day of the trip tomorrow.


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