2nd Briefing - Buses, Budgeting, and a Manchester Bee

This weekend, the group was reunited at Seven Springs Outdoor Activity Centre in Disley, Manchester, for our second briefing weekend.

Agnes BP would have loved
having a giant bee named
after her
Despite a small ladybird invasion (and Tory throwing her phone across the room in a complete overreaction) the site was lovely and we definitely tried to make the most of the nice weather. In between planning sessions, we made time for their butterfly trail, a chocolate cake picnic (food seems to be a massive feature in this trip) and a visit to Agnes Bee-den Powell, who was Girlguiding Manchester's entrant in the Manchester 'Bee in the City' campaign last summer.

With the bare bones of our trip already in place, we had the task this weekend of filling the gaps in between. Our flights, first three nights (including our white water rafting trip!) and the last night were already booked after making the plans at the first briefing weekend, so the girls had the freedom to fill in the rest of the trip. Sticking to the budget was hard, but it's taught all of us about budgeting and compromise - definitely valuable life skills!

We're going to be spending most of the travel time on buses - we're getting the bus from Sofia to Nîs, Nîs to Podgorica, Tivat to Podgorica, Podgorica to Belgrade, Belgrade back to Sofia... Let's hope Balkan buses are comfy! We also had to make sure that we remembered to fill in our nine challenges that have been set by the Region International Advisors. Staying in neolithic huts in Bulgaria definitely counts as sleeping somewhere unusual, right?

Alice looks so innocent..
It wasn't all planning and budgeting though - we still had plenty of time to have fun and bond as a team. None of us will quite trust our leader Alice (in character as Ivanna Sleep) again after she was revealed to be the murderer at our Which Guide Lied? murder mystery dinner party.

It would also be the last time we would see Gaby and Eleanor before we fly, as they can't make our meet-up in Liverpool in July - suddenly, our departure date seems to be very close! We'll be introducing our team members over the next nine weeks so subscribe to the blog and like our Instagram to stay updated.


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