Tivat, Niš and our return to Bulgaria
29/07/2029 Hi, it’s Gaby here again! We are currently on a bus from Tivat in Montenegro to Niš in Serbia, where we will arrive at 5:30am (editor’s note: after being an hour and a half delayed leaving the bus station, and with further delays on the road, we didn’t actually arrive until 8:30am!). After leaving the hostel this morning, our dreams of relaxing on the beach with plenty of sunshine were spoilt with overcast weather and rain. Nevertheless, we put on our raincoats and headed into Tivat anyway, where we managed to complete our two-minute beach clean-up (following the idea of the #2minutebeachclean in the UK) on one of the stretches of beach just outside Porto Montenegro. Ticking off another challenge spurred us on despite the miserable weather and we headed to the Buca Palace in central Tivat, exploring the adjoining art gallery and chapel too. Lunchtime came just in time to make the most of the dry weather, and we were able to sit in a restaurant overlooking the harbour...